With that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to a little punk rock band called Death Koolaid based in London town. Each with their own individual style and with their pint sized front lady so wonderfully named Siren Sycho, they are a force to be reckoned with when they hit the stage. But let me tell you that size does not matter when it comes to the deranged vocals from Siren's mouth. Together with sludgy and dragged up from the gutter guitars, Siren's gravel vocals sync with almost doll like moans together Linda Blair screams which send shivers through the crowd and pull them in by the throat.
I was lucky enough to be in the video for their single 'The 2nd Rule' (you'll see me on the right side of the guitarist). As the camera continually rotates, we see each member in position on their own stage getting crazy to the music with their messed up masked military dolls parading around them all under a circus tent. Think of Marilyn Manson's mOBSECENE girls if they were dragged through the fields of a biohazard scene when the funfair left town. The song never lets up and is just enough for you to want more with the barrage of noise that suddenly cuts dead. I can definitely see people getting wild in the mosh pit to this one (if only people put their phones away at gigs!). If you like grunge and punk rock influences, definitely take a butchers at Death Koolaid. These are ones to watch!
The 2nd Rule by Death Koolaid
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